The Birkman Method Personality Assessment

  • As a certified Birkman Method Professional, I meet with individuals to help them gain purpose, freedom, and significance in their life. Utilizing the powerful insights and proactive tools offered by the Birkman, I help individuals move from where they are now to where they want to be. My goal is to empower all individuals for excellence by revealing perceptions about themselves, others, and their environments.

  • The Birkman Method is a tool that identifies your strengths, behaviors, motivations, expectations, and interests, provided for individuals ages 16 and older. It measures:

    • Usual Behavior - effective performance and behavioral styles for work, home, and relationships

    • Underlying Needs - expectations and preferences about others and the environment

    • Stress Behavior - ineffective and unconscious behavior exhibited when underlying needs are not met

    • Interests - vocational and avocational preferences that motivate a person

    • Occupational Options and Preferences - 22 job families, 200+ job titles

  • Cost: $500 for Birkman Signature Report and personalized consultation

    I want to explore the Birkman for myself, my child, and/or my spouse: Contact Karie Culbertson

The reality of life is that your perceptions - right or wrong - influence everything else you do. When you get a proper perspective of your perceptions, you may be surprised how many other things fall into place.
— Dr. Roger W. Birkman